『魅了』の乙女と堅物筆頭魔術師の初恋記録 Rating:: 5.0/5 - 41 Reviews
Eris, a girl who lives deep in the mountains, one day, as a thank-you (?) for saving a spirit, has a charm technique cast on her. Because of this spell, Eris is chased around by men all over town. Exhausted, Eris asks for help from Kyle, the leading sorcerer, who is said to be the best in the country in terms of both beauty and magical power. The method of solving the problem was revealed to her, but it was a method that was impossible for the pure-hearted Elise! However, not giving up, Elise decides to find another way to solve the problem, and she goes to live and work at Kyle's mansion. The two, who had never had the opposite sex recognize their "true" selves, gradually grow closer as they live together...This is an otherworldly love fantasy filled with the purest of feelings between a misogynistic, hard-nosed magician with the strongest magic power and a naïve, pure-hearted "enchanted" maiden!